Weeds can be broken into two major groups — broadleaf weeds like clover, dollar weed, and spurge or grassy weeds like sedge, dallisgrass, and crabgrass. Weeds can further be divided into summer weeds (crabgrass, dallisgrass, spurge) and winter weeds (annual bluegrass, rescue grass, chickweed).
In the summer we see a lot of crabgrass. In the winter, annual bluegrass (Poa) is the biggest problem.

Diverse Range Of Treatments
The most effective way to control weeds is with a pre-emergent herbicide. It is applied before the weeds germinate. This pesticide stops the weeds from sprouting and maturing. It’s about 70% effective. We treat the other 30% with a post-emergent herbicide, when they are still young. We accomplish this with four or five treatments per year.
We combine these treatments with fertilization to provide nutrients to the grass and stimulate growth. We use a quick release, liquid with not only Nitrogen, Potassium, and Phosphorous but also elements like Iron and Magnesium as well as a natural soil activator and humate. We also use a slow release fertilizer.
Under the right conditions, within a year, your lawn will look like a golf course!

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